Wednesday, October 27, 2010

And Then There Were Two

Ok...1 iPad in a class of 21 kindergartners just doesn't work out. I thought that after the novelty wore off, we would get into a normal routine of sharing and "taking our turn". No. So I did it. I cashed in my 20,000 points that I have been frugally guarding for the last few years. THIS year, in the Bonus Points Catalog the first thing that caught my eye was the big ticket technology item of an iPad! I couldn't believe my luck! I don't know how these points are monetized (is this the right word?) and how they decided on the value of the item compared to the points, but I felt like 20,000 points was a GREAT deal! It was a big decision though. I have been saving these points for YEARS!! But having had these couple of weeks to 'test drive' the use of the iPad in my class has convinced me that I really HAD to have another one in my classroom in order to find out if this technology has potential for positive benefits with my young learners.
Our school custodian brought it in when it arrived. At first I couldn't figure out what the package was, then I remembered OUR iPad! It was SO much fun opening the package together with my darlings looking on. It really looks so unassuming and simple as it comes out of the box, so unlike so many other technological acquisitions I have made. There are no tome-like instruction manuals or 1-800-call-India tech support or CD's to load or red, yellow and purple cables. We took it out, turned it on and we were locked and loaded. THIS is why I L-O-V-E the iPad in my Kindergarten class....simple, no mess learning!!!

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